
22 July 2016

Each fortnight on the Policy File we round-up some essential weekend policy reading from around the web. This week we look at the South China Sea verdict, the idea of a universal basic income, religious violence in Myanmar, and terrorist attacks in France. 

As the region comes to terms with the Permanent Court of Arbitration ruling in favour of the Philippines in its dispute with China over the South China Sea, on Policy Forum expert authors take a look at different aspects of the verdict. Marina Tsirbas analyses the key implications of the ruling, while Jacqueline Espenilla asks whether it makes sense for the Philippines to negotiate with China. Harsh V Pant, meanwhile, says China’s loss could present strategic opportunities for India.

On Al Jazeera, Salvatore Babones looks at China’s intentions and motivations, while on Forbes, Jean-Pierre Lehmann analyses the chances of China achieving a peaceful rise to power. In a special Policy Forum Pod, Policy Forum editor Martyn Pearce and experts Don Rothwell and John Blaxland discuss the ruling, what it means for China and the region, and what comes next for the Philippines.

The idea of a universal basic income may not be new, but around the world it’s attracting increasing interest with a number of pilot schemes and projects happening. On The Fiscal Times, Suman Bhattacharyya asks whether it could really work, while on The Huffington Post, Scott Santens says it definitely could, and should. Santens has also produced this excellent guide to Frequently Asked Questions about a universal basic income. On US News, Chad Stone analyses the possibility of basic income as an answer to poverty.

On Policy Forum Pod, world-leading experts Guy Standing, Olli Kangas, Peter Whiteford and Charles Murray break down the idea of a basic income – how it works, what it could do, and what it could mean for the future of the welfare state. In The Wall Street Journal, Charles Murray also looks at what a guaranteed income could do for Americans.

The recent destruction of a Muslim prayer hall in central Myanmar marks a rekindling of tensions against Muslims in the country. On Policy Forum, Daniel P Sullivan looks at the threat to peace and says the escalation shows that problems were out of sight, but not out of mind, while on The Diplomat, Matt Schissler, Matthew J Walton, and Phyu Phyu Thi examine the roots of Myanmar’s religious conflict.

On New Mandala, Nicholas Farrelly looks at the prospects of Myanmar’s new generation, while Trevor Wilson asks whether the new National League for Democracy government can meet the high expectations of its citizens.

The recent terror attack on crowds in Nice, France, which took the lives of 84 people, has been claimed by the Islamic State. On Time, Jared Malsin asks why France has become the number one target for terror, while on RT Finian Cunningham says France is descending into a militarized state ruled by fear. On The Times of India, Isabel Kershner and James Glanz look at what France can learn from Israel.

Newly-elected, tough-talking Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte has begun to roll out his plan of action for the country. Joseph Franco asks whether the President’s promised “shock and awe” tactics will be enough to tackle the Abu Sayyaf Group, while Melchizedek Maquiso looks at the possibility of success in a China-Philippine rail infrastructure collaboration. Nick Bisley, meanwhile, examines how Duterte will approach foreign policy, particular in light of the South China Sea ruling.

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