Arnagretta Hunter

Arnagretta Hunter is a cardiologist, physician and the Human Futures Fellow in the College of Health and Medicine at The Australian National University.

With research interests in the health impacts of climate change she is a member of the Institute for Climate, Energy and Disaster Solutions at ANU. She joined the ACT Climate Change Council in 2022.  She is Chair of the Commission for the Human Future, a group dedicated to reducing catastrophic and existential risks and ensuring a bright future for humanity.

Raised in Melbourne, she completed a BA(Hons) in political science before embarking on medicine at the University of Sydney. She has worked as a doctor in both urban and regional settings in New South Wales, Victoria, and the Australian Capital Terrotory and has been in advisory roles for several health organisations including the Therapeutic Goods Administration. She continues to work in private practice in Canberra.