Hyung-A Kim is Associate Professor of Korean Politics at the College of Asia and the Pacific at The Australian National University.
She is the author of Korea’s Development under Park Chung Hee: Rapid Industrialization, 1961-79 (RoutledgeCurzon 2004), and principal editor of Reassessing the Park Chung Hee Era, 1961-1979: Development, Political Thought, Democracy and Cultural Influence, (Seattle: A Center for Korea Studies Publication, University of Washington Press, 2011).
She has also published numerous articles, including “Industrial Warriors: South Korea’s First Generation of Industrial Workers in Post-Developmental Korea, Asian Studies Review, (2013),“State Bureaucracy Building: The Military Junta’s Administrative Reforms, 1961-3,” in Ezra Vogel and Byung-Kook Kim eds. The Park Chung Hee Era, Vol. 1, Harvard University Press (2011).