Jenni Millbank is Distinguished Professor of Law at UTS. Jenni is a specialist in relationship and family law and assisted reproductive technologies.
For over a decade Jenni has been involved in leading Australian research and law reform relating to non-traditional family forms. Along with Isabel Karpin and Anita Stuhmcke at UTS: Law (along with international partner investigators Emily Jackson at LSE and Roxanne Mykitiuk at Osgoode Hall) she is currently conducting an ARC funded empirical research project, Regulating Relations, exploring the experiences of Australians who travel to access reproductive technologies including for surrogacy, egg donation and sex selection.
Previously Professors Millbank, Karpin and Stuhmcke worked together on the Enhancing Reproductive Opportunity Research Project, examining how laws and policies in all Australian states and territories restricted people’s decisions about their stored embryos created through IVF. That report made numerous recommendations for change, many of which have since been implemented, to change state laws and federal ethical rules governing the storage, disposal and donation of embryos in order to make them more responsive to patient concerns.