Pasi Sahlberg

Pasi Sahlberg is Finnish educator, teacher, author, and Professor of Education at Southern Cross University.

He has worked as a schoolteacher, teacher-educator, academic, and policymaker in Finland, and he has advised schools and education system leaders around the world.

He served as a senior education specialist at the World Bank, lead education specialist at the European Training Foundation, director general at the Finland’s Ministry of Education and Culture, and visiting Professor of Practice at Harvard University.

In 2013 his book, Finnish Lessons: What Can the World Learn from Educational Change in Finland, won the Grawemeyer Award for an idea that has potential to change the world. His most recent books include: Let the Children Play: How more play will save our schools and help children thrive (2019, with William Doyle), Finnish Lessons 3.0: What Can the World Learn from Educational Change in Finland (2021), and In Teachers We Trust: The Finnish way to world-class schools (2021, with Tim Walker).