
21 January 2015

Policy Forum is the website of the Asia and the Pacific Policy Society, and members of the Society have exclusive access to members-only features on the site including:

Comments: Join in a public policy conversation. Society members can comment on articles and, in some cases, interact directly with contributors. Comments are only visible to Society members.

Contribute: Feeling inspired by the pieces on Policy Forum, or just have public policy expertise and ideas that you want to share? We welcome contributions from Society members. The process is easy – just get in contact with us, give us some details about the piece you’re proposing to write and some background on your expertise. You can find more information about contributing here.

Events: Organising a public policy event that you want people to know about? Society members are able to suggest events to be included on Policy Forum’s events page. Just make sure you’re logged in then leave us the details of your public policy event. If we need any more information we’ll be in contact.

Ready to play a part in Policy Forum? If you’re not a member yet, you can join here. Membership is free, easy and quick. You can find out more about the benefits of being a Society member and meet some of our members in this short video. We look forward to welcoming you to the region’s public policy community and interacting with you through Policy Forum.

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