Development, Economics and finance, Environment & energy, Government and governance | The World, Australia, Asia, The Pacific

26 April 2019

This week on Policy Forum Pod, we take a look at why it’s so difficult for countries in the Asia-Pacific region to tackle climate change effectively, and the hurdles they face in accessing funding to assist energy transitions.

On this week’s Policy Forum Pod, a panel of experts tackle how the region’s countries are finding the funding to build climate change resilience and how to turn international-level policy into positive local-level outcomes. The panel – Kirsty Anantharajah, Dr Abidah Setyowati, and Dr Kate Duggan – also discuss whether the growing pool of climate finance is supporting national governments deliver Pacific-specific priorities, and the barriers they face in accessing those funds. Listen here:

Kirsty Anantharajah is a PhD scholar at the ANU School of Regulation and Global Governance. She is also a research associate on a DFAT-funded project ‘Harnessing financial markets and institutional investment to increase the penetration of clean energy in the Asia-Pacific’.

Dr Kate Duggan is Director of Griffin Natural Resource Management. She has worked closely with the Australian aid program to develop climate change and environmental policy responses at a global level and for country-based programs.

Dr Abidah Setyowati is a Research Fellow at the ANU School of Regulation and Global Governance.

The presenters – Paul Wyrwoll and Martyn Pearce – also take a look at some of the big issues of the Australian election campaign, and then in the final part are joined by Professor Quentin Grafton to discuss some of your questions, comments, and suggestions for future pods.

Quentin Grafton is Editor-in-Chief of Policy Forum. He is Professor of Economics at Crawford School of Public Policy, Convenor of the Global Actions on Human Water Security, Director of the Centre for Water Economics, Environment and Policy (CWEEP) and Director of the Food, Energy, Environment, and Water (FE2W) Network.

Show notes | The following were referred to in this episode

Toxic: what is rotting in the Murray-Darling Basin?

Podcast: The dangerous paradox of irrigation efficiency

Increasing demand for Royal Commission on water buybacks

Democracy Sausage with Mark Kenny

Climate activist Greta Thunberg

Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and the Paris Agreement

Fiji’s Green Bond initiative

Australia lobbies Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank

Podcast: Getting the public service fit for the future

Australia’s ‘watergate’ scandal

Podcast: Naila Kabeer – the gender agenda

Master of Climate Change at Crawford School

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