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Australia's place in the new space race - Policy Forum

If you paid attention to Australia’s recent budget, you may have heard that the government has put aside $41 million towards launching a new national space agency. The aim is to kick-start a multi-billion dollar industry, putting Australia firmly on board the global space revolution as new technology takes off in the decades ahead. Sound out of this world? Don’t miss this stellar latest podcast with Anna Moore and Brad Tucker, two leading experts in this space.

Professor Anna Moore is Director of the Advanced Instrumental Technology Centre at the Australian National UniversityShe was also a member of the Expert Reference Group which contributed to the recent government review of Australia’s space sector.

Dr Brad Tucker is an astrophysicist at the ANU Research School of Astronomy and Astrophysics. Among other things, his research looks at cosmology, supernova, dark energy, and asteroid mining.

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