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Scoring goals in Putin’s Russia - Policy Forum

It’s the football and international relations podcast you’ve been waiting for. With the World Cup kicking off this weekend, we bring together three Russia experts to commentate on the world game, Putin and politics. Elizabeth Buchanan, Matthew Sussex, and Olga Krasnyak chat to Policy Forum’s Maya Bhandari about reputation and legitimacy, energy markets and football sponsorships, soft power and Asia-Pacific pivots, and what a post-Putin Russia might look like.

Associate Professor Matthew Sussex is the Academic Director at the National Security College. His main research specialisation is on Russian foreign and security policy.

Dr Elizabeth Buchanan is a Europa Visiting Fellow at the ANU Centre for European Studies, specialising in Russian foreign energy strategy, with a specific research interest in Russian polar strategy.

Dr Olga Krasnyak is a lecturer in International Studies at Underwood International College, Yonsei Univesity, Republic of Korea.

We also catch up with regular show host Sharon Bessell and respond to some of your questions and comments.

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