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Snowy 2.0: the lowdown on hydro - Policy Forum

Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has revealed plans for a multibillion-dollar extension to the Snowy Hydro-electric scheme, in what he has called a “game-changing” development for Australia’s energy market. But does the proposal hold water?

In this week’s Policy Forum Pod Extra, Frank Jotzo, Matthew Stocks, and Ken Baldwin take us through what Snowy Hydro 2.0 might mean for Australian energy policy. Listen here: http://bit.ly/PFPsnowy

Professor Frank Jotzo is an environmental economist at the Crawford School of Public Policy, where he is also Director for the Centre for Climate Economics and Policy.

Professor Ken Baldwin is the Director of the Energy Change Institute at The Australian National University, and Deputy Director of the ANU Research School of Physics and Engineering.

Dr Matthew Stocks is a researcher at the ANU College of Engineering and Computer Science where he investigates energy storage and photovoltaic technologies.

As mentioned in the podcast, you can see the public stoush between Federal Environment Minister Josh Frydenberg and South Australian Premier Jay Weatherill here: http://www.abc.net.au/news/2017-03-16/sa-premier-jay-weatherill-serves-federal-energy/8360422

For more on energy policy and hydro-power in the Asia-Pacific, see:
How renewables could power Asia
How social can Chinese hydropower dams be?
Modi powers forward
One Dam(ned) mistake after another

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