Naila Kabeer – the gender agenda
On this week’s Policy Forum Pod, Naila Kabeer discusses the gendered nature of poverty and inequality with host Sharon Bessell. (more…)
April 2019 47 minutes
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On this week’s Policy Forum Pod, Naila Kabeer discusses the gendered nature of poverty and inequality with host Sharon Bessell. (more…)
April 2019 47 minutes
LISTENOn this National Security Podcast, Chris Farnham is joined by Adam Henschke to talk about the line between cyber-sabotage and cyberwarfare. (more…)
August 2018 28 minutes
LISTENIn this episode of National Security Podcast, Professor Michael Clarke talks with Chris Farnham about terrorism in China and his latest edited book Terrorism and Counter Terrorism in China: Domestic and foreign...
February 2019 48 minutes
LISTENIn this National Security Podcast, Anooshe Mushtaq talks to Chris Farnham about how social exclusion led her down the path of radicalisation, and what policymakers can do to help others avoid the same...
August 2018 39 minutes
LISTENIn this episode of National Security Podcast, Frances Adamson — Secretary of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade— joins Rory Medcalf to discuss the national security challenges facing Australia in...
November 2020
LISTENGovernment and governance | Asia
How has history continuously pitted two nuclear-armed nations against each other over land-locked territory? (more…)
March 2019 57 minute listen