A basic income, or the end of welfare?
The idea of a basic income is attracting interest in countries all around the world. But is it affordable, and what would it mean for the welfare state? (more…)
July 2016 53 minutes
LISTENHome > Resources
The idea of a basic income is attracting interest in countries all around the world. But is it affordable, and what would it mean for the welfare state? (more…)
July 2016 53 minutes
LISTENAlfredo Saad-Filho
Sharon Bessell
Arnagretta Hunter
On this episode of Policy Forum Pod, economist at King’s College London Alfredo Saad-Filho joins us to talk about neoliberalism, its impact on care and community, and the prospect of a...
May 2022
LISTENColin Tukuitonga
Meg Keen
Matthew Dornan
Jill Sheppard
Martyn Pearce
This week on the pod we take a look at regional cooperation amongst the Pacific Islands and the challenges they face in coordinating policy efforts. (more…)
February 2019 64 minutes
LISTENStephen Howes
Sally Moyle
Sharon Bessell
On the new episode of Policy Forum Pod, experts Stephen Howes and Sally Moyle join Sharon Bessell to take a closer look at foreign aid in the recent federal budget and...
June 2021
LISTENSiobhan McDonnell
John Falzon
Sharon Bessell
Ian Chubb
Philip Alston
Desmond Manderson
David Caldicott
Tracy Beck Fenwick
Paul Wyrwoll
Julie Tongs
Virginia Marshall
Sue Regan
Julian Burnside
Anooshe Mushtaq
Yun Jiang
Martyn Kirk
Nick Coatsworth
Martyn Pearce
On this episode, we look back on some of our favourite Policy Forum Pod moments ahead of this year’s Australian Podcast Awards. (more…)
September 2020
LISTENProfessor Tom Kompas, President, Asia and the Pacific Policy Society, Director Crawford School of Public Policy at The Australian National University, Mat Kimberley, Assistant Secretary, PNG Development and Solomon Islands Branch, Department of...
September 2014 40 minutes