Food for thought
Economics and finance | The Pacific
On this special ‘human futures’ episode, Dr Arnagretta Hunter takes the reins and is joined by Dr Robyn Alders and Dr Tayanah O’Donnell to discuss a rethink in how we value...
July 2020
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Economics and finance | The Pacific
On this special ‘human futures’ episode, Dr Arnagretta Hunter takes the reins and is joined by Dr Robyn Alders and Dr Tayanah O’Donnell to discuss a rethink in how we value...
July 2020
LISTENEconomics and finance | The Pacific
In this episode of National Security Podcast, we speak with the Perth USAsia Centre's Dr Jeffrey Wilson about Australia's new investment measures and a shift toward caution in the face of...
June 2020
LISTENOn 16 June, Australian Foreign Minister Marise Payne delivered a policy address to the National Security College on Australia and the world in the time of COVID-19. Her remarks, and the...
June 2020
LISTENGovernment and governance | The Pacific
This time on Democracy Sausage we take a look at Southeast Asia: how the governments of the region are responding to Australia’s new defence stance, how they have responded to COVID-19,...
July 2020