Government and governance | Australia
In the final episode for 2023 we speak to John Falzon and Thomas Mayo about the year that was. We reflect on the challenges that we have faced, the Voice to...
December 2023 59 min
LISTENHome > Resources
Government and governance | Australia
In the final episode for 2023 we speak to John Falzon and Thomas Mayo about the year that was. We reflect on the challenges that we have faced, the Voice to...
December 2023 59 min
LISTENSharon Friel
Sharon Bessell
Arnagretta Hunter
Environment & energy | East Asia
Health equity scholar Sharon Friel and regular hosts Sharon Bessell and Arnagretta Hunter join Angus Blackman to reflect on some of the ‘brain-changing conversations’ on the pod in 2021, and to...
December 2021
LISTENPatty Kinnersly
Sharon Bessell
Arnagretta Hunter
On this episode of Policy Forum Pod, Chief Executive Officer of Our Watch Patty Kinnersly joins us to discuss the role all Australians have in ending violence against women and their...
September 2021
Karen Gaunson
Sharon Bessell
Arnagretta Hunter
Government and governance | East Asia
On this episode of Policy Forum Pod, child psychiatrist Karen Gaunson and child protection scholar Tim Moore join us to discuss the impact of the COVID-19 crisis on children, both now...
September 2021
LISTENLyndall Strazdins
John Falzon
Sharon Bessell
Arnagretta Hunter
Economics and finance | East Asia
In the final episode of our Policy Forum Pod mini-series on work, Lyndall Strazdins and John Falzon join us to discuss time inequity and how to reimagine the world of work...
September 2021
LISTENMichele O’Neil
Arnagretta Hunter
Sharon Bessell
Economics and finance | East Asia
On the penultimate episode of our Policy Forum Pod mini-series on work, we speak to President of the Australian Council of Trade Unions Michele O’Neil about workers’ rights and how to...
September 2021
LISTENGuy Standing
Sharon Bessell
Arnagretta Hunter
Economics and finance | East Asia
On this episode in our Policy Forum Pod mini-series on work, author and researcher Guy Standing joins Sharon Bessell and Arnagretta Hunter to discuss changing class structures and the universal basic...
August 2021