Government and governance | Australia
In the final episode for 2023 we speak to John Falzon and Thomas Mayo about the year that was. We reflect on the challenges that we have faced, the Voice to...
December 2023 59 min
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Government and governance | Australia
In the final episode for 2023 we speak to John Falzon and Thomas Mayo about the year that was. We reflect on the challenges that we have faced, the Voice to...
December 2023 59 min
LISTENSabina Alkire
Philip Alston
Sharon Bessell
Mark Kenny
On this Democracy Sausage Extra during Anti-Poverty Week, Mark Kenny discusses creating a future without poverty with three of the world’s leading voices on poverty measurement, research, and eradication - former...
October 2020
LISTENHelen Suich
Angie Bexley
Aarti Betigeri
On the penultimate episode in our Policy Forum Pod bonus mini-series on poverty, Helen Suich and Angie Bexley join us to discuss what their research shows about the intersection of poverty...
October 2020
LISTENIn this episode in our special bonus series on poverty, Dr Angie Bexley joins us to discuss Indonesia’s recent progress on poverty reduction, and what the findings of the Individual Measure...
September 2020
LISTENSiobhan McDonnell
John Falzon
Sharon Bessell
Ian Chubb
Philip Alston
Desmond Manderson
David Caldicott
Tracy Beck Fenwick
Paul Wyrwoll
Julie Tongs
Virginia Marshall
Sue Regan
Julian Burnside
Anooshe Mushtaq
Yun Jiang
Martyn Kirk
Nick Coatsworth
Martyn Pearce
On this episode, we look back on some of our favourite Policy Forum Pod moments ahead of this year’s Australian Podcast Awards. (more…)
September 2020
LISTENNicole Haley
Meg Keen
Henry Ivarature
Martyn Pearce
On this episode, we speak with The Australian National University’s Meg Keen, Henry Ivarature, and Nicole Haley about the successes and struggles in the Pacific Island region as it manages the...
July 2020
LISTENMarise Payne
Rory Medcalf
Chris Farnham
On 16 June, Australian Foreign Minister Marise Payne delivered a policy address to the National Security College on Australia and the world in the time of COVID-19. Her remarks, and the...
June 2020