Government and governance | Australia
In the final episode for 2023 we speak to John Falzon and Thomas Mayo about the year that was. We reflect on the challenges that we have faced, the Voice to...
December 2023 59 min
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Government and governance | Australia
In the final episode for 2023 we speak to John Falzon and Thomas Mayo about the year that was. We reflect on the challenges that we have faced, the Voice to...
December 2023 59 min
LISTENGovernment and governance | Australia
In this episode of National Security Podcast, Chris Farnham is joined by Jacob Shapiro to discuss some of the important geopolitical issues flying below the media radar. (more…)
September 2020
LISTENInternational relations | Australia
In this episode of the National Security Podcast, Rory Medcalf, Katherine Mansted and Chris Farnham look over the wild ride that was 2020 and discuss what we should be watching out...
December 2020
LISTENGovernment and governance | Australia
In this episode of the National Security Podcast, Katherine Mansted speaks to Ali Wyne about why great powers compete, how China, Russia, and the United States are shaping the global system,...
July 2020