Podcast: Ghosts of policy past, present and future
What were the worst policies of the recent past? What were the policy highlights of 2018? What policies would help improve the world in 2019? (more…)
December 2018 90 minutes
LISTENHome > Resources
Martyn Pearce
Sophie Riedel
Quentin Grafton
Jill Sheppard
Sharon Bessell
Julia Ahrens
Nicky Lovegrove
Sue Regan
Maya Bhandari
What were the worst policies of the recent past? What were the policy highlights of 2018? What policies would help improve the world in 2019? (more…)
December 2018 90 minutes
LISTENGovernment and governance | Australia
Women face a considerable challenge getting into politics, and it doesn’t necessarily get any easier once they’re there. In Australia, the total number of women in parliament is just over 30...
December 2018 17 minutes
LISTENMelanie O’Brien
Robert Cribb
Ben Goldsmith
Julia Ahrens
Luke Glanville
December 2018 marks the 70th anniversary of the Genocide Convention, which emerged following the global outrage at the mass atrocities of World War Two. Yet despite the world’s determination to end...
November 2018 48 minutes
LISTENVirginia Marshall
Katherine Taylor
Quentin Grafton
Martyn Pearce
Sue Regan
From a drought-stricken countryside to Murray-Darling mismanagement, Australia is facing a number of water-related issues. But it’s not just urban and agricultural water supplies that are under pressure. Also threatened are...
November 2018 45 minute listen
LISTENOn this National Security Pod episode, we pick over APEC powerplays with Rory Medcalf. (more…)
November 2018 14 minute listen
LISTENDominique Dalla-Pozza
Jacinta Carroll
Christian Barry
Sharon Bessell
Nicky Lovegrove
An apparent terrorist attack in the heart of Melbourne has ignited a familiar debate over whether Australia has got its counter-terrorism policy settings right – and what proposed legislative changes might...
November 2018 68 minutes