Although the words 'politics' and 'ethics' might be a bit jarring to hear together, many politicians are in fact guided by a desire to make a positive impact in the world....
Peter Singer: doing good in the world of politics
All things being equal
Worldwide, around 225 million women who want to avoid pregnancy do not have access to safe family planning methods. What does this mean for health and development, and what can policymakers...
March 2017 32 minute listen
LISTENMental health, migration, and megacities
A marriage of inconvenience
Science and technology | The World
In this week's Policy Forum Pod, former chief Scientific Adviser of the United Kingdom, Professor Sir John Beddington, discusses the state of science in public policy around the world and what...
February 2017 35 minutes
LISTENBridging the gap
Government and governance | Asia
Why are policy decisions often disconnected from the evidence-based knowledge of researchers and scientists? In this week’s Policy Forum Pod, Karen Hussey, Kathleen Segerson and Suzi Kerr discuss the gap that...
February 2017 40 minutes