A basic income, or the end of welfare?
The idea of a basic income is attracting interest in countries all around the world. But is it affordable, and what would it mean for the welfare state? (more…)
July 2016 53 minutes
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The idea of a basic income is attracting interest in countries all around the world. But is it affordable, and what would it mean for the welfare state? (more…)
July 2016 53 minutes
LISTENEconomics and finance | Australia
The Australian Government faces some big choices ahead about how to get the economy flying again. Will that include a new ‘Accord’ struck with the unions, and if so, what should...
June 2020
LISTENEconomics and finance | Australia
Can we use economics to solve climate change? In this second episode of our Policy Forum Pod mini-series on the wellbeing economy, top climate experts Mark Howden and Tim Hollo join...
November 2020
LISTENEconomics and finance | Australia
On this episode, we hear from leading Indonesia experts about the impact the COVID-19 pandemic is having on jobs, particularly on vulnerable workers in the country’s massive informal sector. (more…)
July 2020
LISTENEconomics and finance | Australia
Why do so many welfare systems end up punishing people rather than helping them, or doing more harm than good? (more…)
March 2019 53 minutes
LISTENOn this episode, we look back on some of our favourite Policy Forum Pod moments ahead of this year’s Australian Podcast Awards. (more…)
September 2020